Welcome Back, Teachers!

The feeling of being back in the classroom is undeniable. I truly thought that teaching on screen was something that I had mastered and enjoyed. I saw the smiles; I felt the feels; I witnessed the dancing, and then I ate a sandwich in my own kitchen. And while I did feel moved when I witnessed my students recall vocabulary or win a game, I didn’t quite realize how numb I was becoming from the lack of in-person contact. Now that I finally get to stand in front of my students again, I know that there is nothing like connecting with them in-person.

Looking back, I believe I either forgot what it was like to feel the energy of my class, or I didn’t want to think about it since it wasn’t an option. And because of that, I couldn’t quite recall that feeling of receiving my students’ unabashed love and joy.  By our second session back, my students literally applauded my arrival and hugged me at the end, as if they were the proud parents and I the child. Their happiness continues to keep me charged and smiling all day long.

We are not teachers because we love the extra work or the pay. We are here because it makes us feel alive and fulfilled when we see our students thrive.  How many times can I put “feel” in a blog post?? This is reason number 1,400,076 of why I couldn't be more happy creating my own program versus being in the classroom full time. This sounds strange because I just wrote that I love the classroom, but I am happy to be a part time teacher and curriculum developer because as I create my curricula, I can focus on my students happiness rather conforming to district goals or red tape. 

And because I have that freedom and so many amazing teachers out there do not, I feel energized to keep working on my program in the hopes of assisting teachers out there that spend countless hours researching and lesson planning.  Teachers, I hear you and I see you and I am here for you and your classrooms wherever they may be. Let me be one of the first to wish you and your students all the happiness and… Welcome back!