In My Room (En mi cuarto) Spanish Song


In My Room (En mi cuarto) Spanish Song


This track introduces Spanish vocabulary for things found in your room and it is set to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” This track starts out slow and steady, as it introduces new words, and then it breaks out into a rock out session. Perfect for children of all ages!

Listen to this song first on our YouTube Channel!

Cama, puerta, lámpara,
Mesa, cuadro, alfombra,
Aquí se puede encontrar
cada cosa en su lugar.
Luz, juguetes, ventana… 
En mi cuarto todo está.     (x2)

En mi cuarto todo está.
En mi cuarto todo está.

Bed, door, lamp,
Table, picture, rug,
Here you can find everything in its place.
Light, toys, window,
In my bedroom everything is there.

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